Often a standard formula is given and it is necessary to change the subject of the formula. The order of operation must be considered carefully in any such transposition. You will also remember the following inverse operations:

The Following example explains the rule:

· A + B = C make A the subject of the formula.

The = sign is the fulcrum (balance point) of the equation. To keep the system in balance one has to add, subtract, multiply, divide, the same amount on both side of the equation.

To isolate A you have to get rid of B. So you subtract B from both sides of the equation as shown in the example below:

A + B - B = C - B

on the left side occurs now + B and - B which eliminates B. Therefore the equation can be rewritten to:

A = C - B

Another example will demonstrate the operation.

A² = B

(remember the root ( ) undoes a square)

A = B

These basic operations may be combined to form more complex problems. The following formula transposition may be of interest to the more mathematical inclined students. You should make h to the subject of the following formula:

Do a couple of exercises and you'll be familiar with formuar transposition.

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